Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Recognition: In the personal

There are endless discussions about recognition. Who is and who isn't a "real" Mason. It seems to be the number one topic on "Masonic" blogs, forums and those I like to call hatetanks that exist for pigs to congratulate themselves over how big of assholes they can act. That being said I have done a lot of inward "soul searching" on the subject and I have come to a personal conclusion.

I will "recognize" everyone as an individual. I will judge according to what they portray themselves to be. For an example, one loud mouth "multi generational Freemason" and "Past Master" has shown himself to be nothing more than a prime example of human filth. Another, nothing more than a judgemental asshole with a limited scope of understanding and a total lack of perception. More than one a unemployed Redneck who gossips more than a mayor's wife. That is what they are, and from now on I will recognize them as such.

The good, the just, the generous and the kind I will also recognize as such. Those who act Masonicly will be recognized by me as Masons and they will be treated as my Brothers.
To be a Mason is to act as a Mason. I don't believe a man is judged by the car he drive, or the neighborhood he lives in. It would be just as foolish to judge based on the dues card in the wallet.

I have solved the problem. At least for myself anyway. I am letting go of the anger and the hurt and I am now allowing myself to recognize these people what they are or at least appear to be.

Case closed for me, now I feel better.

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